Directed by Tim Vaughan - 27th of June 2015, Robinson Theatre, Hills Road, Cambridge.
"Over the stile, and into the meadow. Booted out and barefoot. Gentlemen, good luck..."
Written and directed by Tim Vaughan, Stitches had its genesis as a group-devised piece exploring the concept of repetition in performance. It was twice exhibited in Covent Garden, Cambridge in late 2012 by its original cast, some of whom we are fortunate enough to welcome back for this revised production.
Just as an old record skips when played back for the first time in years, Stitches provides a familiar scratchy, tedium, with a subeuphoric release at its close.
Join them as the clock winds down on the hopeless, habitual wanderings of this threadbare troupe...
Poster by Michelle Elizabeth Siddall